
Showing posts from November, 2019

Borborrbor- The significance of it all

The Borborbor dance is a native and somewhat old and traditional dance in Ghana. It was born from kpando. My home. It is indeed a colourful and most appropriate way the Ewe clan; especially those from kpando, Aveme, Vakpo and more relief stress and have fun.  The little boys and little girls, the young and old are not left out when the drums begin to thump in rhythm. Here's how it's done. Women circle the drummers yet are well arranged in a file befitting and comfortable. They then crouch half-way down creating a ninety degree from of posture. From there, the waist sides of the women move from the left to the right to the beating drums. This action causes the backside of the women to vibrate in slow-fast tempos which is not only a lovely sight to behold but refreshing as well. Most who find it difficult understanding the Ewe dilect may argue that the songs are mostly for fun and nothing more. That is not the case as most of the songs used along with the drums by our men are hym

Down Delicacy Lane

Ever wondered what exciting dishes you could have in Ghana? Well, sit relax and sip juice as I walk you down the food  four food lanes in  my country. Most of which you'll find, not only mouthwatering but satisfying. Red-red, a native delicacy in Ghana is prepared using beans which is boiled to broth and it's mostly garnished with red palm oil. This is one of the healthiest local delicacies that would make your tummy crave more. Due to the less spice additives, it's natural a meal and an ideal one for people on a diet and vegetarians alike. To have the real feel of red-red, be sure to have it with ripely fried plantain. Got you there right? Not done yet Next is... Waakye. Yeah I know you must have heard, read or tasted this dish. It's the most common and most delicious creativity of Ghana. The secret recipe to this sumptuous meal is just rice and red beans.  It originally came from the northern region but has been adopted by all. Though many have different ways of  prep