Fishermen; Passion for Growth

Walking through the town's of Jamestown one Saturday I catch a quick glimpse of the fisher folk. It keeps me wondering how they work with so much passion; with so much enthusiasm. 
The jama "tsooboi" isn't lost to me when I step my feet at the sandy spot. The spot where it all begins . It's then that it strikes me " these people don't do this because they've been forced to in anyway. They here because of the passion within". 
Without passion as a nation we are nothing.We are weak and vulnerable without it and our growth would be static. We all need to light out the fire of passion within us to make our country whole again. Be a fisher folk today and cause a change. I'm a fisher folk; what are you?

I'm proud to be Ghanaian. For we are who we are due to our passion to grow. It would be nice to see yourself as a fisher folk for it would remind you of the very simple things that make living worth a while.
I would entreat you, you and you to see one another as  fisher folk so we work together; hand in hand, to grow our mother land Ghana.
God bless our fishermen, God bless Ghana.


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