My Kente; My Home

Bonwire Kente, a traditionally woven cloth, has been the pride of Ghanaians from the early days of colonialism till date.
Inspired by the spider and how it weaves it's web, the handy piece has made its way into being an intricate model of the heritage we so uphold.
Each hand woven design tells it's story. From sadness, to laughter, from morals to love and friendship, we mostly express our deepest desires with the brand of Kente we pick for every occasion.

Our African Men are not left out as they garnish themselves in deep coloured patterns of the fabric with women moving in for the lighter and less heavy shades. 

One thing I've learnt to cherish about my fellow Ghanaians is how we love to wear this cloth to prove our loyalty to our country in every respect. The desire to bring out our history for the world to gasp at is just mesmerizing to state the least.

It is without a pinch of doubt that the new era has paved way for new sewn designs to perfectly beautify the Ghanaian woman and give that simple yet elegant glamour.
 Even kids are not left out as they adorn themselves in it during festivals of interest on occasions of "revisiting the past".

To top it all is the beautiful trend of shifting from the white form of wedding to the Bonwire Kente style

A now political guru, John Dumelo was not left out as he wore the pride of the fabric with his lovely bride.
It was indeed a pleasant sight to behold. I'll say- "we are who we are for we make who we are worth it".

Hence I'll wear Bonwire to feel grounded and content with my country Ghana. What would you do?


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